A Complete Solution to Monitor Plant Health,
From Roots to Shoots
With input costs and regulations the way they are in California, it’s more important than ever to practice precision irrigation and fertilization. By monitoring plant water use and tracking fertilizer movement through the soil profile, growers can sustainably manage inputs while ensuring optimal crop performance.
When used together, the data provided by Tule and CropX sensors help growers get a complete picture of plant health — from the nutrient availability at root level to the amount of water used by even the smallest shoots. Use this critical information to save inputs and protect your bottom line.

For a limited time only, growers can lease CropX soil sensors for $500/sensor!
Crop Water Use
Tule sensors sit just above a crop’s canopy to measure the Actual Evapotranspiration of plants. Learn how much water your crops use each day, track their water stress levels in real time, record your irrigation events, and get suggestions about how much to irrigate.
Soil Moisture Activity
CropX soil sensors collect data on soil moisture, temperature, and electrical conductivity (EC). The easy-to-install sensors take readings at soil depths where most root growth occurs. EC measurements allow growers to monitor nitrogen movement and soil salinity levels. Understand water availability and manage nutrient uptake!